Solid Community Reunion

Solid ( is an exciting new project led by Prof. Tim Berners-Lee, inventor of the World Wide Web, taking place at MIT. The project aims to radically change the way Web applications work today, resulting in true data ownership as well as improved privacy.Solid (derived from "social linked data") is a proposed set of conventions and tools for building decentralized social applications based on Linked Data principles. Solid is modular and extensible and it relies as much as possible on existing W3C standards and protocols.

For this meetup at Yunxi town, we'll focus on data ownership, identity, and data privacy issues of Web 3.0. Identity is the most important part of Web 3.0 because data will not exist if there is no identity. Solid China Team initiator Yang Xie (also known as ivydom) and his coworkers at Authing will present on the motivations and history of the Solid project. The talk will be mostly accessible to a non-technical audience.

志愿者 Volunteers

谢扬 Yang Xie

Founder & CEO@Authing, Solid China initiator, Ex-Bytedancer, Former CTO at Awesomeport.


郑如澜 Rulan Zheng

Product Manager@Authing, Solid China promotor, Ex-Bytedancer, Former Designer in Silicon Valley.