Dear 2050 volunteer


is ready to welcome you

April 23-25, 2021

Yunqi, Hangzhou

Every April we get together for 3 days until 2050

2050@2018, 5.25-27 2050@2019, 4.26-28 2050@2021, 4.23-25 2050@2022, 4.22-24 2050@2023, 4.28-30 2050@2024, 4.26-28 2050@2025, 4.26-28 2050@2026, 4.24-26 2050@2027, 4.23-25 2050@2028, 4.28-30 2050@2029, 4.27-29 2050@2030, 4.26-28 2050@2031, 4.25-27 2050@2032, 4.23-25 2050@2033, 4.22-24 2050@2034, 4.28-30 2050@2035, 4.27-29 2050@2036, 4.25-27 2050@2037, 4.24-26 2050@2038, 4.23-25 2050@2039, 4.22-24 2050@2040, 4.27-29 2050@2041, 4.26-28 2050@2042, 4.25-27 2050@2043, 4.24-26 2050@2044, 4.22-24 2050@2045, 4.28-30 2050@2046, 4.27-29 2050@2047, 4.26-28 2050@2048, 4.24-26 2050@2049, 4.23-25 2050@2050, 4.22-24
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Youth Reunion

Youth is heartfelt connection

Starting from April 23rd 2pm

100 City Connection


Explorer Space

Youth is closest to the challenge



Everything Grows

Youth is a new living being

2050 Innocamp Night



Sincerity is the sharing of time

Game On

Vitality & dynamic movement

Run! Chase the Rising Sun

4月25日 7:30am 一起跑到铜鉴湖

Soccer Storm

每天2pm 来组队踢场球吧

Youth Stage

Tech is just like a melody

April 24th 7pm-10pm

This stage is for You, come up and perform!

Starry Night Camping

Enjoy looking up at the stars


2050 Youth

A salute to the youth who are committed to 2050

On Jan 1st 2019, probably the longest countdown timer in seconds was setup on top of Yunqi. It counts down to the year of 2050.

2050 Countdown

He said he'll come that day, so that's why I am here
I say I will come that day, so that's why you are here
Oh what is in his eyes?
And what is in your eyes?
I see you stand there side by side, I feel just so happy :)

- 2050 Theme Song "Reunion of a Bunch of We-Know-Nothing Youths"