Open Source Fans Reunion

In 2019, we had a very happy reunion at 2050 and hope to get together again this year. I also hope to meet more new friends who love open source and share in 2050.

Our reunion, there are four major communities. Kaiyuanshe, X-Lab, Wuhan2020, and Datawhale.

Kaiyuanshe: It is the first open source organization in China to focus on open source governance, community development, international integration, and open source projects. We are entirely made up of individual members who volunteer to contribute to open source. We work closely with communities, enterprises, and government departments that support open source, but we never forget our original intentions. Maintain vendor neutrality, non-profit, and promote and contribute to the mission and vision of open source.

X-lab Open Lab: It is an open innovation community composed of teachers and students from East China Normal University and Tongji University. Its professional background includes computer science, data science, and related interdisciplinary subjects. It has long thought about and practiced education technology and open source innovation.

The Wuhan2020 open source community is a community built by developers during the COVID-19 epidemic. The community provides a platform for developers to communicate and practice technologies. The community uses the open source community culture to implement self-organization and collaboration, helping self-organization work more effectively and accurately. During the outbreak, many open source projects, including the New Coronavirus Prevention Information Collection Platform, Open Source Community Official Website, and Epidemic Information Navigation, were successfully incubated.

Datawhale: Founded in 2018, Datawhale is an open source organization created by university professors, students, and enterprise employees. It brings together many open source contributors with the spirit of open source and exploration. Currently, it has nearly 200 members. With the mission of For the Learner, the organization is committed to building an open-source learning community in the data science field and growing with learners.




江波,SegmentFault 思否,COO,开源社副执行长
赵生宇,X-lab 计算机博士在读,Wuhan2020 发起人
高阳,SegmentFault 思否,CEO



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