Youth reunion of China Netcom association from Dongyang, a small town in Zhejiang Province

Hold a round table discussion with the youth of the Internet association from Dongyang, a small city in Zhejiang Province, to discuss their views on the future development of the Internet. The audience will learn more about the current situation and future development direction of Internet people, and how to use the power of Internet channels to help the society.

Founded in 2005, Dongyang network association is a united front organization with knowledge, friendship and non-profit. Member units and individuals are composed of entity enterprises, new media communication companies and social network personages. As the influential backbone of the network industry in the new era, the Dongyang network association has been developing new members among these groups. Around the healthy development of the network industry and the healthy growth of people in the network industry, it has carried out activities such as friendship, publicity, training and service.

Rici Hangzhou
