Sustainable Development Investing and Social Innovation Empowerment

For a long time, people believe that the investment can be perceived as a success if it has relatively large financial return. Therefore, these people do not care where their capitals go regardless of countless social problems raised such as air pollution, water resource deterioration and food safety etc. In the recent years, more and more people realize that only by pursuing both social good and financial return (Doing good & Doing well) can we achieve long-term success and sustainable development among human beings, society and nature.

While paying attention to the sustainable value of the company, sustainable development finance has also turned its attention to the sustainable development of humanbeings. This not only reflects the human consensus represented by the UN Sustainable Development Goals, but also the development direction represented by China's five development concepts. China Alliance of Social Value Investment (Shenzhen) and the Global Social Finance Network jointly

China Alliance of Social Value Investment (Shenzhen) and the Global Social Finance Network jointly launched the “Sustainable Development Investment Cases and Social Innovation Projects” forum, hoping to let more people understand this investment concept through the sharing of sustainable development investment practice cases.

Co-ordinator :Wang Yijing

The director of Business Division at CASVI, the first licensed non-profit platform in China that specialised in sustainable investing and impact investment ecosystem building. Yijing is the first Forbes "30 Under 30" in the space of impact investment in China, and is passionate about supporting business that does good.


09:00-09:15 投向美好未来
白虹 社会价值投资联盟秘书长

09:16-09:31 为价值赋能,为可持续发展助力
孙士超 公益金融联盟副理事长,博将资本管理合伙人& 副总裁

09:32-09:47 资本特别温暖
齐力 公益金融联盟副理事长,道生资本合伙人

09:48-10:03 大健康与影响力投资——机遇、挑战与实践
王进 公益金融联盟理事长,麒麟会发起人

10:04-10:19 立业致善,社会创新重塑企业核心竞争力
陈嘉俊 顺德创新创业公益基金会秘书长

10:20-11:29 投资人圆桌对话:对话影响力投资人
王进、孙士超、齐 力、陈嘉俊、钱哲

11:30- 11:35 GO*SU闯成社创独角兽项目视频介绍

11:36-11:51 GO*SU闯成社创独角兽项目结营仪式
陆俊 第一反应COO

11:51-12:00 可持续发展社创加速营项目启动仪式
马文年 社会价值投资联盟投融咨询部经理


时间:4月27日 9:00~12:00
Venue:云栖小镇会展中心 1#110