Scientist or Entrepreneur? The Way to be an AI Talent



Co-ordinator: Zhu Mingjie

Dr. Mingjie Zhu, founder and CEO of CraiditX Technology, with extensive knowledge and R&D experience in data mining, Internet search technology and machine learning. CraiditX is leading the AI applications in Chinese financial industry. Its clients include the top financial institutes like China Merchants Bank, Pingan Securities, ZhongAn Insurance, etc. MJ graduated from Special Class for Gifted Young, University of Science & Technology of China in 2004. He then attended the Joint PhD Program launched by Microsoft Research Asia and USTC. After graduation, he conducted postdoctoral research at Max Planck Institute with Dr. Gerhard Weikum. He worked in Yahoo! Labs and eBay search, then he built the big data department in Ctrip. He started CraiditX from 2015. He's been serving as visiting professor or graduate adviser at multiple universities. He is also recognized as one of the 35 innovators under 35 in China by MIT Technology Review.


14:00-14:10 主持开场


14:10-14:35 关于交通大学人工智能人才培养的一点分享



15:00-15:25 从科学家变成科创家后,我经历过的这些事


15:25-15:45 我们为什么要成立“梧桐汇联盟”?


15:45-16:00 惊喜环节:欢迎“A班生”


时间:4月27日 14:00~17:00
Venue:云栖小镇会展中心 1#204