Ecological balance @ 2050

1 About us
In the past few decades, humans have made unprecedented changes to the earth’s surface.
From 1970 to 2016, the global vertebrate population decreased by an average of 68%
In the mountains and waters of our hometown, we look for the last aboriginal people
Because the first step in protection is data
We met at Mengxi Institute

2 Mengxi Institute
Out of the advanced environmental responsibility of the project party
We conduct biodiversity surveys for a single construction project for the first time
From the planning stage of the construction project,
Put ecological protection and harmonious symbiosis into the genes of the forum.
As the investigation progresses,
One by one amazing discovery,
So that we have a new understanding of this land.

3 Ecological balance 2050
No one really wants to destroy nature,
If we really care,
What should we do?
The world is eternally changing,
We broke the old balance,
So who defines the new balance?
2050, what kind of relationship do we expect between human being and nature?

沈秋 不仅是我们的家乡,也是野生动植物的家乡

陈奕宁 世界和我们一样,都在不断变化

蒋天沐 以前干房地产给人造房子,现在更想保护野生动植物的栖息地