Planet Renaissance

If 2020 is the first year of the awakening of future science and technology in the 21st century, then the progress of our human society is 20 years late. 2020 is a peculiar year. The new crown epidemic has made us rethink all cooperative behaviors and the value of life. The global grassroots labor population has moved from large cities to small and medium-sized cities (second and third-tier cities). All cities have unprecedented new demands for energy, food, natural environment, finance, education, work, welfare, and governance systems. However, are we, our cooperation model, and long-term value thinking ready?

In 2021, we will no longer compete for short-term gains. The Good City Foundation and several technology companies, founders and youth leaders in Southeast Asia and Asia look forward to launching a revival movement that can last to the next generation. Young leaders in the field of humanities formulate common future governance concepts and values ​​for new industries in the Asian continent and the world: new energy, Internet of Everything, big data, technology and finance, etc., and conceive of our "good city in the future" that prevents pandemics and is livable. blueprint.

Earth Renaissance is a call for the future of Generation Z. Let us discuss a renaissance movement that everyone can participate in.


Andre 郭嘉明

Good City Foundation 好城市基金會

Peggy Tse 謝佩琪


Calvin Chua

Spatial Anatomy 創辦人、新加坡科技设计大学建築及可持續發展設計兼职助理教授、英国皇家学院多夫曼奖入圍得獎者

Philippe Rose


Andre 郭嘉明 Singapore

Good City Foundation 好城市基金會联合创始人