Building The Digital Silk Road: China and Turkey

Turkey put forward a new Silk Road initiative named the “Middle Corridor” to integrate with China’s “Belt and Road Initiative” that includes Baku-Tbilisi-Kars Railway line originating from Xi’an China.

The main aim of the “Belt and Road Initiative” is improving logistical infrastructure and therefore about improving trade scope connect Asia, Africa and Europe via roads and sea lanes. The railway will reduce freight transportation time between China and Turkey from one month to 12 days.

But what about the so called “Digital Silk Road” which connects the two countries via the Internet and technology advancements. What do we need to do to enhance cooperation on the technology front to create opportunities for the young people in both countries?

We are very honored to have two technology guys from Softtech the top Fintech company in Turkey to give is some insights on how we can be builders of the Digital Silk Road.


10:00 – 中国土耳其科技互动

10:10 – 探讨两国青年合作关系

10:20 – 现场对话交流

Onur Yavuz 伊斯坦布尔

Onur completed his Computer Engineering program at Istanbul Technical University in 2008, started to work as a software engineer at Softtech. Then, he worked as a software analyst at the same company. He’s been the GM of Softtech China since 2018.

周立玮 Shanghai

周立玮是国际早期科技母基金 RAIDiCal 创始人,覆盖领略包括机器人 (Robotics), 人工智能 (AI), 物联网 (IOT) 和 大数据 (Data), 目标为促进国际早期科技投资与跨国孵化成果。


之前他是硅谷知名加速器 RocketSpace 中国首席市场官 CMO, 还是北京中关村创业大街车库咖啡合伙人。

回国已25年,是中国数字营销和线上消费者调查的先驱,曾在盛世长城 (Saatchi & Saatchi) 和奥美 (Ogilvy) 国际广告集团公司负责电视内容开发和品牌管理。
