Youth and FoodTech

The United Nations will convene The Food Systems Summit that aim to awaken the world to the fact that we all must work together to transform the way the world produces, consumes and thinks about food. It is a summit for everyone everywhere – a people’s summit. It is also a solutions summit that will require everyone to take action to transform the world’s food systems. Guided by five Action Tracks, the Summit will bring together key players from the worlds of science, business, policy, healthcare and academia, as well as farmers, indigenous people, youth organizations, consumer groups, environmental activists, and other key stakeholders. Before, during and after the Summit, these actors will come together to bring about tangible, positive changes to the world’s food systems.

So, how can young people around the World play a part in this global food systems event and how does technology play into the drive to find the most effective and inclusive solutions to leave no one hungry and bring true sustainability to our Global food system.

Our dialogue is with Shuman Liu the co-founder and Chief Culture Officer at Starfield, China’s leading plant-based meat company. Shuman has a BA in sociology and MPhil in anthropology. The mission of Starfield is using food technologies to benefit nature and human health.


10:30 – 食品科技介绍

10:40 – 探讨青年对粮食系统的影响

10:50 – 现场对话

刘抒曼 Shenzhen

刘抒曼 星期零联合创始人兼首席文化官 武汉大学社会学学士,香港中文大学人类哲学硕士。在香港学习时抒曼深入了解现代肉过量的饮食结构对社会和环境造成的影响,她开始了素食之旅并决定在中国和全球倡导植物性生活方式。2016年,抒曼前往纽约Natural Gourmet Institute接受专业健康烹饪主厨培训,此后一直在该行业工作。2019年,她联合创立星期零。一年内,星期零迅速成为中国具有影响力的植物肉公司,与100多家餐饮品合作。星期零的使命是用食品科技的力量,共益人与自然。

周立玮 Shanghai

周立玮是国际早期科技母基金 RAIDiCal 创始人,覆盖领略包括机器人 (Robotics), 人工智能 (AI), 物联网 (IOT) 和 大数据 (Data), 目标为促进国际早期科技投资与跨国孵化成果。


之前他是硅谷知名加速器 RocketSpace 中国首席市场官 CMO, 还是北京中关村创业大街车库咖啡合伙人。

回国已25年,是中国数字营销和线上消费者调查的先驱,曾在盛世长城 (Saatchi & Saatchi) 和奥美 (Ogilvy) 国际广告集团公司负责电视内容开发和品牌管理。
