Fostering the creation and development of new generation of local innovative ecosystems.

April 24th at 17:00

This event aims to map out the key role of cities and other public organizations in fostering the creation and development of a new generation of innovative local ecosystems, showcasing the Finnish city of Oulu as an example. Oulu's innovation environment, ecosystems, and think tanks create innovations in a bold and productive manner. The aim is to develop business opportunities rapidly and significantly increase startup investments.

Opening the event Mr. Lauri Tammi, CEO, Mingle Advisors
Innovation ecosystems and role of the city Mr. Juha Ala-Mursula, Director, BusinessOulu, City of Oulu
Innovation ecosystem, case: automotive cluster Oulu Mrs. Eija Hämäläinen, Project manager, BusinessOulu
Cocreation with students. Case: Tellus Arena Mr. Simo Kekäläinen, Development manager, University of Oulu
Closing remarks Mr. Lauri Tammi, CEO, Mingle Advisors

On behalf of our community of 200 000 people, it is my great pleasure to welcome you to the City of Oulu, Finland. Oulu combines Northern hospitality, nature, and culture with modern technology. Oulu values education, research, and innovation, and we are extremely pleased to welcome everyone to contribute to these dynamics. I hope that you will have time to explore the Oulu region, make new friends, exchange ideas, and feel at home in Oulu.


Guest speakers:

BusinessOulu, johtaja Juha Ala-Mursula.
Kuva: Timo Heikkala, Studio Timo Heikkala Oy

Juha Ala-Mursula
Executive Director of the Economic Development at BusinessOulu, City of Oulu, Finland. Prior to current position, had several managerial positions in Nokia and Nokia Siemens Networks with responsibility wireless business and technology development ( 3G, 4G and 5G research). In current position work intensive contribution to a structured ecosystem cooperation to support research-based innovations enhance innovative business environment, business support services, R&D&I funding as well as SME growth and new business opportunities through the Oulu Innovation Alliance. In addition to current position, he has two significant board memberships: BusinessFinland (national innovation funding agency) and Nordic Option Oy (venture fund)

Eija Hämäläinen
Eija Hämäläinen works for Oulu Automotive Cluster ecosystem where she facilitates cooperation between companies, researchers and cities. She also works with SMEs providing services and solutions for circular economy and smart cities. Eija has worked for 20+ years in international B2B business, mainly in ICT sector.


Simo Kekäläinen
Simo Kekäläinen is a lean co-creation specialist, multilingual commercialisation and startup expert with 5+ years experience in the industry. Before joining University of Oulu, he worked as a facilitator in Demola, a global innovation platform from Finland which connects multidisciplinary student teams with companies in innovation projects. Now Simo is working as the development manager of Tellus Innovation Arena, a co-creation platform that connects the students and employees of the University of Oulu with companies and public sector actors and engages the society in new and innovative ways.

(In addition to this, Simo has a keen interest in the arts. He’s an aspiring voice actor, and a TEDx speaker who has starred in TV shows in Finland. Simo’s dream is to travel the world and someday become the voice of a Disney character in a movie!)