Tech Empowers Better World

In 2015, the United Nations Sustainable Development Agency (UNSDA) proposed 17 sustainable development goals, aiming to achieve these 17 sustainable development goals by 2030. These development goals cover most of the global problems or challenges, from which we can notice that sustainable development issues have become a global concern. In China, with the rapid development of economy and society, we are facing many challenges in the process of development, such as environmental pollution, resource depletion and so on. On the other hand, the development of science and technology has brought a better solution to those challenges. Besides, disruptive innovation breaks the limitations of traditional industry which makes sustainable development possible. After all, we have reason to believe that technological innovation will lead us to a sustainable society. To be specific, from waste recycling to information technology-assisted precision agricultural planting, the innovation of science and technology bursts out new vitality in the cross-integration, and brings infinite imagination space for sustainable development. So, what good science and technology can be applied to the field of sustainable development in the future? Can technology make our sustainable lifestyle accessible? What more efforts do we need to make with our existing resources?


Co-ordinator: Fei Xiaojing

CEO & Co-founder of Impact Hub Shanghai Leading team to establish Impact Hub in Shanghai. Rich experience in sustainability management consultancy and project management. Experienced Facilitator. Depend understanding in Impact Investment and Venture Philanthropy. Good at space hosting and facilitate meaning conversations among different groups. Dedicated to the career to promote social innovation and positive change in the world


14:00-14:10 开场预热
主持人:包昀昀 Impact Hub上海 投资和孵化合伙人

14:10-14:40 主题演讲
马翔宇 中国社会企业与影响力投资论坛总裁
李琳娜 她无限联合发起人
吕秀娟 Impact Hub上海联合创始人

14:40-15:20 围炉访谈:科技在社会领域的应用
主持人:包昀昀 Impact Hub上海 投资和孵化合伙人
徐憾憾 水滴筹、水滴公益联合创始人
叶莉沙 第一反应合伙人兼第一反应志愿服务中心副秘书长
徐莉俐 MIT x u.lab中国首席代表

15:20-16:00 围炉访谈:科技在环境领域的应用
主持人:吕秀娟 Impact Hub上海联合创始人
沈杰 浙江庆渔堂科技有限公司董事长
王辛 WWF 科技与环境首席顾问
郑逸南 中引创投董事

16:00-17:00 圆圈探讨:科技在推动可持续发展方面的潜力与挑战


时间:4月27日 14:00~17:00
Venue:云栖小镇会展中心 2#103