Circula Economy and  the Future of Waste

"Plastic Bottle Recycling", " Resource-based Treatment of Mixed Domestic Waste ", "New Plastic Economy". Yes, when we talk about these concepts, we are talking about circular economy, but it is not deep, and it is not far from our life.

Do you know where the bottles you throw away end up? Do you know how many of your daily necessities are recycled? Do you know the true value of your garbage bin?

If you are curious, join the circular economy forum, an interesting "garbage" interactive class and wait for your voice.

Co-ordinator: Chang Xinjie

TOMRA Group, Vice President of Circular Economy Business Development in Asia-Pacific Region, the leader of Circular Economy. Always been concerned about the most popular environmental protection issues in China: promoting to use deposit system to improve the recovery rate of high-quality plastics when plastic consumption is increasing; in the national take-away food era, cooperating with industry leaders, to explore a new take away food packaging recycling scheme; in the upsurge of waste classification, promoting the concept of dry and wet waste classification and introducing of advanced European waste disposal scheme into China. Always love the beauty of China , love environmental protection, and strive to promote the development of circular economy in China.




14:00-14:20 开场游戏

Andre Farstad – 主持人


14:20-14:35 流浪的塑料瓶

孙海燕– 商业生态


14:35-15:15 圆桌会 – 介绍瓶子回收后的去向 & PET 材料的回收过程 & 环保制品的品牌理念 & 探讨行业面临的挑战和机遇,以及对未来的愿景。

王密 (P.E.T.), 孙海燕 (商业生态), 冯娟(BOTTLOOP), 主持人


15:15-15:25 再生制品展示



15:25-15:40 垃圾分类游戏

主持人将邀请9 名观众上台,均分为3 组,测试他们对垃圾分类的知识。


15:40-16:00 虎哥回收介绍其关于生活垃圾回收的模式和后续处理流程,分享互联网回收面临的挑战和机遇,及回收带来的社会价值等。



16:00-16:30 新塑料经济以



16:30-16:40 是/否“瓶子调查”

Andre Farstad – 主持人


时间:4月27日 14:00~17:00
Venue:云栖小镇会展中心 2#105