Find your purpose and  empower the technology



所以世界最终会被这样的人所改变,他们有着坚定的目标,并且找到了自己感兴趣的事。这也就是为什么在我们的 Self-Hack工作坊,我们想要帮助每个人开始发现自己的目标和热情,并且规划自己的未来的路线。当你明确自己的目标时你就可以轻易的在科技的帮助下影响这个世界。为了让你的自我成长之路走得更远,我们为你准备了实用的工具包和 Self-Hack 伙伴,可以在我们的官网查看更多有关 我们的消息。


召集人:Vesa-Matti Ruottinen

Vesa-Matti is dedicated supporter of purpose driven life-design and tireless friend for those who pursue their dreams. He is the founder of two NGOs, worked in various startups one specialising on teaching youth to adapt on tech, and author of a book about creativity.


All his work focuses on giving the individuals the space to think step-by-step how to get closer to the person’s own purposeful and happy life.

Santeri made his university time the best learning experience imaginable by changing the university itself and the city as well. In two years he worked in five different jobs learning by doing while studying. This ensured him to learn much more than in original studies and also finding purposeful work, that did not really feel like work.

The biggest achievement was the co-founding of the NGO Tribe Tampere which brought the innovative city famous for it´s ex-Nokia entrepreneurs together. In Tribe Tampere the entrepreneurial community of Tampere together shares everyone’s ambitions with new ideas and technologies and people all over the World have started to come to hear them. The activities and structure of the NGO can be viewed from the website

Santeri has conducted several researches for tech-entrepreneurs asking hundreds of them what they see important in creating something new.


0 – 20 min – Opening words: Vesa-Matti Ruottinen & Santeri Tuovila: Purpose-driven culture is a base for successful technology business.
20 – 30 min – Theory part for the forum hands-on canvas work
30 – 50 min – Hands on work with the Purpose canvas
50 – 70 mins – Sharing the canvas outcomes in groups
70 – 90 mins – Figuring out your goals and doing a personal roadmap canvas for the future
90 – 110mins – Sharing the outcomes with others and thinking about what role the technology plays in your future.
110 – 130mins – feedback and wrap up, changing the contacts with your Self-Hack buddy.


时间:4月28日 14:00~17:00
Venue:云栖小镇会展中心 2#103

召集人:Santeri Tuovila

Santeri made his university time the best learning experience imaginable by changing the university itself and the city as well. In two years he worked in five different jobs learning by doing while studying. This ensured him to learn much more than in original studies and also finding purposeful work, that did not really feel like work.

The biggest achievement was the co-founding of the NGO Tribe Tampere which brought the innovative city famous for it´s ex-Nokia entrepreneurs together. In Tribe Tampere the entrepreneurial community of Tampere together shares everyone’s ambitions with new ideas and technologies and people all over the World have started to come to hear them. The activities and structure of the NGO can be viewed from the website

Santeri has conducted several researches for tech-entrepreneurs asking hundreds of them what they see important in creating something new.


0 – 20 min – Opening words: Vesa-Matti Ruottinen & Santeri Tuovila: Purpose-driven culture is a base for successful technology business.
20 – 30 min – Theory part for the forum hands-on canvas work
30 – 50 min – Hands on work with the Purpose canvas
50 – 70 mins – Sharing the canvas outcomes in groups
70 – 90 mins – Figuring out your goals and doing a personal roadmap canvas for the future
90 – 110mins – Sharing the outcomes with others and thinking about what role the technology plays in your future.
110 – 130mins – feedback and wrap up, changing the contacts with your Self-Hack buddy.


时间:4月28日 14:00~17:00
Venue:云栖小镇会展中心 2#103