Food·Geek·Entrepreneur Reunion

This reunion is mainly attended by a group of Internet practitioners and a group of nutritionists to explore the possibilities of future food. Human food has gone through raw food to the cultivation, processing and cooking. The current diet has been going on for thousands of years. The current process of producing food is complicated, wastes and destroys a large amount of earth resources, and the food itself has too much uncertainty, which continues to cause harm to human health. With the continuous development of food technology, this small group of people has made many practical improvements to the future food.

The reunion site will include two themes. Primarily, based on the existing precise and controllable nutrients, we created a balanced nutrient solution that meets human health needs. Our solution, Ruffood, will be free for every in the reunion to give a try, with the hope of obtaining more feedback on evaluation experience in the form of reunion. Besides, we also aimed at exploring various combinations of individualized nutrition to meet the needs of different scenes. We firmly believe that the next generation of human food will evolve into two major directions: physical needs and spiritual needs. The former is only responsible for nutrition, which ought to be safe, healthy, fast and efficient at the same time. The latter is purely satisfying the sensory experience, which cause no burden on the body.