Cloud Native Open Source Reunion

Cloud-native, born for the cloud and building a new future for the digital world, is helping millions of companies build a technical foundation that supports massive businesses. Since its inception, open source has changed the way in which technological innovation occurs and collaboration, and is also continuing to rewrite the rules of the game in the software business ecosystem. Open source accelerates cloud nativeization and countless community developers have gathered in it to become an important driving force.开源加速云原生化,无数社区开发者在其中汇聚成了一股重要推动力。

Cloud-native Kubernetes has become the absolute mainstream. What puzzles and challenges have you encountered in the implementation? What do you think open source will look like in 2050? What spark will occur when cloud native and open source mix together? Dear world changers as you, the password to pry into the future may be hidden in this time of cloud-native & open source reunion. We invite you to tell your story~

We are from the Alibaba cloud native developer ecosystem and we invite you to come together!

Need Souvenir? Come to the "photo card wall" to trigger the memory snapshot.

Something to say? Come to the "Free Speaking Corner", sit on cozy Futon and share as you wish.

Wander what to discus? Come to the "drawing topic circle", and let you open the chatterbox naturally.

Wanna play? Come to the "Puzzle Competition", look who is more faster.

阿里巴巴云原生 Hangzhou
